My Story

I graduated from Oxford Brookes University in 2013 with a degree in Paediatric Nursing and was ready to embark on a promising career in healthcare. But life took an unexpected turn when a severe inner ear infection left me bedridden for over two years. Despite undergoing three major surgeries, my health continued to decline, resulting in me having sepsis twice. I had reached rock bottom. The medical options left were invasive and daunting—more tests, surgeries, a portacath and feeding tube. I knew deep down that this wasn’t the path I wanted to continue on and I was determined to get better.

In that moment of despair, I made a decision that changed my life forever. I turned inward and began exploring alternative paths to healing. I completely changed my diet, worked with naturopaths and herbalists to get to the root cause of my health issues, and dedicated myself to practices like EFT, meditation, yoga and other holistic therapies. Every spare moment was spent learning, practicing, and applying these new insights to rebuild my health.

As I began to recover, my journey led me to explore the world of healthy, wholesome foods. I discovered a passion for creating vegan cakes and treats that were not only free from gluten and refined sugars but also nourishing for the body. This passion grew into a business where I now sell these healthy cakes at events, and even offer bespoke cakes for weddings.

Since embarking on this journey, I’ve transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. My health has improved beyond what I imagined, and I’ve regained a sense of vitality and well-being that I feared was lost forever. Now, as I train to become a health and nutrition coach, my mission is to help others experience the same transformation. I’m here to empower you to take control of your health, harnessing the power of nutrition, detoxification, and holistic practices to unlock your fullest potential.


  • BSc Degree Children's Nurse (Oxford Brookes University)

  • Integrated Nutrition and Health Coach (currently training)

  • EFT practitioner training & Matrix Reimprinting (Karl Dawson)

  • Neuroplasticity Diploma

  • Reiki Level 1